
Sandos Playacar Resort

Cancún, México

7 Días / 6 Noches En Alojamiento De Lujo

Ubicado En Una De Las Mejores Playas De México

Valor al Detal: $2098

Precio de Venta Hoy Desde


Por Pareja

Save 52%
La Unica Venta De Hoy Termina En: 00: 00: 00

Incluye Comidas Ilimitadas, Bebidas & Alcohol

Disfrute de Nuestras 4 Piscinas, 7 Restaurantes & 8 Bares

Price Is Per Room For Entire Stay - Not Per Person, Not Per Night

thu sale
17 OCT



Llame en cualquier momento en los próximos 12 meses para viajar

Overall Ratings :


El Sandos Playacar Resort se caracteriza por la alta calidad de sus instalaciones y su excelente ubicación. Rodeado de las maravillas naturales del Caribe, un punto de contacto para el espíritu y el espacio. Ubicado en una de las mejores playas de toda el área de Cancún, frente a una amplia playa de arena blanca bañada por las aguas azul turquesa del Caribe Mexicano, este exclusivo resort de 5 estrellas, Todo Incluido, le ofrece vacaciones de una clase a la que está acostumbrado: Los mejores detalles, la mejor gastronomía Mexicana e internacional en sus cuatro restaurantes, alojamiento de lujo en sus 460 habitaciones y Junior Suites y un amplio programa de actividades para todas las edades y placeres.


Este Resort Todo Incluido Tiene 4 Piscinas, 4 Canchas de Tenis, Una Playa Privada de Arena Blanca & Un Campo de Golf.

Delicias Culinarias Ofrecidas Por Cualquiera de las 7 a la carta, 3 Restaurantes Tipo Bufé & 8 Bares Separados

Los Resorts Incluyen Una Multitud De Actividades y Entretenimiento, Además De Un Club Infantil Supervisado

Tuvimos un tiempo estupendo en Sandos, Playacar en noviembre. Grandes playas, gente agradable, excelentes instalaciones! La comida fue sorprendentemente buena en sus restaurantes franceses, italianos, brasileños, mexicanos y asiáticos. Las bebidas mixtas fueron igualmente excepcionales en todos los lugares, incluida la playa. Además, hubieron muchas actividades geniales: recorridos en bicicleta por las ruinas mayas locales, voleibol acuático con bebidas combinadas en el bar en la piscina, tenis, navegación con Hobie, snorkeling en el arrecife y kayak a través de las olas. Todo el personal del complejo fueron excepcionales.



Habitación Estándar
Ofrece una Cama King o 2 Camas Dobles, Capacidad para 3 Adultos y 1 Niño o 2 Adultos y 2 Niños. Todo Incluido Mini Bar con Surtido Diario (Agua Mineral, Cerveza y Refrescos) Balcón con Jardín, Ducha con Efecto de Lluvia, Aire Acondicionado, Teléfono, Refrigerador, Servicio Diario de Limpieza, Secador de Pelo, Caja Fuerte, TV por Satélite, Escritorio, Plancha, Tabla de Planchar, Camas Plegables y Cunas Disponibles (tarifa).




  • 3 comidas diarias para incluir todos los días (desayuno buffet, almuerzo buffet, buffet o cena a la carta). Snacks las 24 horas.
  • Cerveza nacional ilimitada, refrescos, vino de la casa y cócteles nacionales e internacionales las 24 horas en el Resort
  • En las habitaciones, Mini Bar con agua mineral, refrescos y cerveza (reposición cada dos días). Caja de seguridad.
  • Tenis (uso ilimitado durante el día y la noche dentro del horario de operación, por orden de llegada). Incluye equipo (pelotas y raquetas), vestimenta adecuada y zapatos de corte requeridos.
  • Deportes acuáticos: botes a pedal, tablas de surf, windsurf, vela y kayak (pueden cancelarse según las condiciones del océano, lecciones no incluidas). Equipo de snorkel y clases de buceo en la piscina.
  • Gimnasio: uso gratuito de equipo de ejercicio, sauna, baño de vapor y jacuzzi.
  • Programa de actividades diarias: caminatas guiadas, tiro con arco, dardos, petanca, tenis de mesa, clases de idiomas, cursos de baile, billar, fútbol, ​​baloncesto, aeróbic, actividades en la playa. Juegos de billar y aerobic acuático. Waterpolo. Voleibol de playa y voleibol acuático.
  • "Club de niños" de 9:30 a 13:00 y de 15:00 a 17:00 (niños de 4-8 / 9-12 años) con un programa completo de actividades supervisadas: piscina y área de juegos para niños, juegos y manualidades. Mini discoteca .
  • Entretenimiento nocturno: espectáculos de cabaret, salas de música y noches temáticas.
  • Sin cargo en la discoteca. Equipo deportivo y de entretenimiento.


Deléitese con la deliciosa cocina de nuestros 7 restaurantes a la carta y 3 restaurantes tipo bufé. ¿Pequeñas bebidas de paraguas exóticas? Sí, los tenemos.

Ofrece productos para el desayuno y el almuerzo y, por la noche, se transforma en un restaurante buffet Mexicano, con favoritos Mexicanos absolutamente deliciosos.

Festival Grand
Abierto para las tres comidas diarias bajo una enorme palapa al aire libre en la sección de la playa. Las ofertas de desayuno incluyen especialidades mexicanas, tostadas y panqueques Franceses, una estación de tortillas, cereales, salchichas, tocino, fruta fresca, yogur y mucho más. El almuerzo incluye una estación de pasta, pollo y ternera salteados, ensaladas, verduras, pescado y otros platos, además de un postre. La cena varía cada noche, con diferentes temas, como Mexicano, Internacional, Mediterráneo y Francés.

IL Piemonte
Buffet de pizzas, pastas y otros platos italianos.

Le Gourmet
Sofisticada cocina francesa a la carta.

Bagel Beach
Cocina casual a la carta.

Riviera Maya
Cocina Mexicana a la carta.

La Bambola
Snack bar que ofrece deliciosos crepes.

El Agave
Snack bar que ofrece hot dogs, hamburguesas, papas fritas, palomitas de maíz y autoservicio, helados suaves, entre otros.

Riviera Blue
Snack bar y buffet informal solo para adultos, que ofrece sándwiches, perritos calientes, hamburguesas y pizza, entre otros, para el almuerzo. Las opciones para la cena incluyen mariscos, ensaladas y sopas, en un ambiente a la luz de las velas y romántico.



  • Acceso Inalámbrico A Internet
  • Agencia De Viajes En El Sitio
  • Área De Juego Para Niños
  • Ascensor
  • Bar en la zona de la piscina
  • Cajero Automatico
  • Cambio De Moneda
  • Club de Niños
  • Comedor Formal
  • Conserjeria
  • Deportes Acuáticos No Motorizados
  • Deportes De Agua
  • Entretenimiento En El Sitio
  • Estacionamiento
  • Frente A La Playa
  • Gimnasio
  • Guardia De Seguridad
  • Mostrador Para Actividades De Los Huéspedes
  • Mostrador Para Renta De Vehiculos
  • Multiples Piscinas De Nado
  • Pasillos Exteriores
  • Personal Multilingue
  • Pesca (En Las Cercanías)
  • Piscina para niños
  • Programa para niños
  • Recepción Las 24 Horas
  • Restaurante
  • Salon Bar
  • Servicio A La Habitacion
  • Servicio De Despertador
  • Servicio De Habitaciones Las 24 Horas
  • Servicio de Niñera
  • Servicio De Transporte Gratuito
  • Servicio En La Playa
  • Servicios De Oficina
  • Servicios De Spa
  • Servicios Médicos
  • Terapia De Masajes
  • Tienda De Regalos
  • Valet Parking
We had a great time at Sandos Playacar. It's a blast. Me and my family did some excursions and had a great time. Thanks to Bookvip we saved at least $400.00
Hi everyone, here I am at Sandos Playacar in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I've been loving my five nights. The it's been amazing. The staff is super nice. Thanks for making this happen.
We've just had an awesome five days at the Sandos. We booked this vacation through BookVIP. It has been spectacular. We've loved every minute of it.
We can't thank BookVIP enough for this vacation. If you want a great place to stay, we can't recommend Sandos Playacar enough!
This has been an awesome vacation. The food is great. There are activities every day. The drinks are awesome. I can't say enough about this place!
Another beautiful day at the Sandos Playacar. Thank you BookVIP for making it all affordable!
It doesn't get much better than this. Beautiful water, beautiful scenery, excellent food, wonderful vacation. It doesn't get much better than this!
We send over 500,000 families per year on discounted vacation promotions. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have more customer review videos than any other travel website in the world.

Comentarios Escritos

"Boda familiar"
Acabamos de regresar de unas vacaciones realmente fabulosas, todo sobre el resort fue increíble, el personal era tan cálido y amigable.........nada era demasiado, el lugar de la boda junto al mar fue impresionante y todos lo pasamos muy bien y en cuanto a la comida.......bueno, la dieta comienza mañana :-) muchas gracias y definitivamente estaremos de vuelta.
"Muy respetuoso con el medio ambiente"
Este era un gran hotel en la playa. Me sorprendió lo grande que era el resort. Nos quedamos en la sección de adultos en la parte de atrás del complejo y era un pequeño paseo hasta la playa, y la caminata fue muy agradable. Ofrecen un servicio de trolebuses, pero nunca lo utilizamos. El paisajismo del hotel fue genial. Era muy exuberante y había toneladas de vida silvestre en el lugar. Ya hemos estado en Cancún antes, así que buscábamos algo más sereno y relajante. Este resort era perfecto. Era el último hotel de la franja y justo al lado había una selva deshabitada. Nos encantó la sección de adultos, ¡fue genial! La playa era bonita y se extendía también. La comida era deliciosa en los restaurantes a la carta, pero los buffets eran mediocres. Las habitaciones eran geniales! Se limpiaban todos los días y eran muy cómodas. También tenían mucho entretenimiento. Asegúrese de revisar el mostrador de excursiones y giras en el lugar de reunión. Fueron muy útiles para ayudarnos a planear nuestras excursiones. La Riviera Maya es rica en historia y aventura. Le sugiero altamente que se aproveche de eso mientras está de visita! En general, tuvimos una gran estancia y nos encantó!
"Fabulosas vacaciones de Año Nuevo con mis hijas!"
Mis hijas y yo fuimos a Sandos Playacar del 27 de diciembre al 3 de enero y lo pasamos muy bien! Nos quedamos en el Adults Only Select Club y nos trataron como si fuéramos de la realeza cuando nos registramos con Vicky. La banda dorada nos dio la opción de nadar en la piscina y en el área de la playa sólo para adultos mientras disfrutamos del resto del resort también. Verdaderamente, la playa más hermosa que he visto nunca y me encantó el agua clara para nadar. El personal de entretenimiento era muy divertido y disfrutamos de Ellihut, Rodrigo y los demás - montones de actividades y diversión durante todo el día. La fiesta de fin de año fue fabulosa y se llevó a cabo en la zona de la plaza, creando un ambiente muy festivo. Hubo un show cada noche que nos encantó y la noche de la banda de Mariachi fue divertidísima. Había un cat caf donde algunos gatos son cuidados y eran tan adorables. El resort tiene una gran actitud ambiental y la jungla y la vida silvestre cercana hicieron que las vacaciones fueran aún más agradables. Gracias a Juan y al personal por un buen rato!
"Gran Lugar!!!! Dos pulgares arriba!!!!"
Mi familia y yo nos quedamos en Sandos Playacar durante las vacaciones de Navidad. 8 personas en total. Este lugar es excelente. Grandes Piscinas, Gran Playa, Grandes Suites en la Sección de Adultos, Excelente Comida, y Gran Personal. No tengo nada malo que decir sobre este resort. Este lugar es uno de los mejores resorts en los que nos hemos alojado en más de 20 años de vacaciones en Resorts Todo Incluido. Obviamente tienen una excelente gestión que sabe cómo satisfacer las necesidades de sus huéspedes. Estamos pensando seriamente en volver el próximo año, que es el primero para nuestra familia.
"Gran Hotel"
Éramos un grupo de 20 personas que se quedaban aquí para la boda de mi hija. Todos estuvimos encantados con el hotel que superó nuestras expectativas. La elección de los restaurantes fue genial. Habíamos esperado durante 2 semanas de vacaciones, que queríamos conseguir un "cambio de escenario" e ir a Playa del Carmen, pero nunca sentimos la necesidad de hacerlo. Nuestras opciones fueron buffet, italiano, mediterráneo, francés, mexicano, asiático, argentino, junto con beach take away y el fantástico Cup Cake Cafe. Me encantaría volver - con 20 a la misma fiesta por supuesto!
"Great family resort"
The resort, beach, and staff were wonderful. Daniella and our reception crew went above and beyond to make sure our dinner reservations were confirmed and all of our needs were met. We were at the resort during Christmas break and the resort went above and beyond to make it a special occasion. Christmas dinner was fantastic, the resort was decorated, the staff was looking their best, and the entertainment was lively and fun. This was our first time at this resort and we would highly recommend it to families with any age children.
"Apple Vacation to Sandos"
Great resort and fantastic beach. Had a very relaxing time just before the Christmas rush. It was all decorated for the season and Christmas carols playing--very nice. We have been there many times and will continue to visit. The staff is excellant -- rooms are always clean --restaurants have good food and excellant wait staff. Will reture for a spring get away----
"Beautiful place!"
My husband and I stayed here with our three children ages 4, 6 and 8 for six nights right after Christmas and into New Years. The first thing I would like to mention is the cleanliness of the place. Someone is always cleaning, sweeping, tidying up. I didn't see one piece of garbage the entire time I was there. They even put the sandos sun symbol in the ash tray everyday! Everything seemed new and up to date to me. We had a junior suite and it wAs spacious enough for the five of us. The New Years celebration was excellent, as well as the nightly entertainment. A lot of times at resorts it is difficult to find a chair at the beach but that was not the case here. We have stayed at resorts at st. Lucia, Bahamas, st. Thomas and Aruba, as well as hit islands on cruises. Nothing compares to blue of this water. It was gorgeous and warm the end of December. The food was very good. We went to two restaurants and was impressed by the ambiance and quality of the New Years dinner especially. The buffets for breakfast, lunch and dinner were great as well. There was something different for dinner each evening and they open the doors with a champagne flute of something and clapping As you walk in. They have food for all different cultures.
"Total relaxation"
We spent christmas at the adults only section of this resort which is wonderful. The rooms are clean and spacious everywhere is kept clean, the staff are happy and friendly especially Kristell Zenteno who brought us many drinks while sunbathing by the pool. The food was great and we really enjoyed the mexican rock band that performed on christmas eve.The french restaurant food is excellent. Highly reommended.
"Great vacation, will return!"
We spent our Christmas vacation at this resort. Daniela Delgado was a terrific representative for the resort. She helped us in numerous ways, was courteous, professional and friendly and made us feel welcome right from the start. She is to be heartily commended! Also the entertainment staff was great especially Elliothut. We hope to return next year.
"best vacation ever alot of fun"
the resort is beautiful . the staff are always out to help you always smiles on their faces. when i arrived vicky said ill take you to your room if you dont like well change . was so nice just on arrival anything we asked at the hotel within 5 minutes at our room . if you dont have kids travelling with you stay in the select adults only the rooms are big and gorgeous and very quiet . dont hear anything .very relaxing .as far as food everything was delicious . the best is rack of lamb at the gourmet .as far as activities shows entertainment were excellent . very clean property its a fun the animation team pedro.armondo,philllip,edwardo,jerry,venessa,rodrigoyou guys are all hard workers and make sure everyone is having a good time.the animals monkeysgot to feed them ,donkeys , 4 cute cats ,1 dog and other s was such a good time .very organized must go its a good choice .
"Service is everything!"
We have just returned from 10 days at Sandos Playacar and have to say that we have never been so impressed with the level of service. We have vacationed extensively in the Mayan Riviera so have many resorts to compare to. Sandos went the extra mile to ensure every detail of our vacation went as planned. Daniela in wedding planning was fabulous insuring our family reunion dinner for 17 was amazing. We emailed her before our arrival and she planned everything for us. Beautiful beach, great management team (do they ever go home?) enthusiastic entertainment team, great food and bars. What more can you ask for? We will return!!!
"Two thumbs up!!!!"
We spent our Christmas vacation at this resort (wife & I and kids 13 & 16). We have traveled to the area many times before and this trip, by far, was the best!! Nothing whatsoever to complain about. The food was great with alot of variety to appease even the pickiest eater. Be sure to visit the cupcake cafe!!! Our 2 rooms in the family section were clean & functional. The activities team (Rodrigo) kept us all entertained with numerous events and jokes daily. The service we received was exceptional!!!! A big thank you to Daniela Delgado for helping us with our dinner reservations and all of the information that we received in the weeks prior to our trip. Juan Guzman, at La Bamba sports bar, was the best!!! Every employee we encountered (waitstaff, housekeeping, maintenance, etc) were very friendly, funny, helpful and eager to go the extra mile to make you feel at home. I am certain that it is this "positive attitude" that makes Sandos Playacar rise above other properties. A "must visit" resort that I will definately plan a return trip!!! Thank you all.
"Great Experience"
We went to Sandos Playacar on a day pass to visit the property while we were staying at the sister Sandos Caracol. From the moment we arrived we were impressed. Reception staff were efficient and pleasant. This is a resort that is great for adults who can take advantage of the adults only section for booking but also very much so for families. There is mini-golf, pool side games and tables and the major hit with my children, the new Teen Club. The teen club (geared to kids 13-17 but did have younger and older guests using the facilities) is a chic night-club atmosphere with arcade games, video consoles, gaming tables, dance floor and bar/beverage service without alcohol. It opened at noon and although I hear from many people they don't want their kids on a beach vacation to play video games, there is certainly a time and place to take advantage of this gem of an amenity. Better yet? It is located right next to the cupcake cafe! We found the dining and food options very good at Playacar. We enjoyed the beachside smoothie bar where we all got a healthy milkshake. My husband and I also loved we could eat our lunch with our toes in the sand overlooking the ocean at the Bagel Cafe. The beach at Sandos Playacar, given it is the last hotel on the Playacar strip, is gorgeous. Soft sand entry and goes on for what seems like forever. We certainly got tired of walking long before we could see the end of the beach. For the great amenities and beach I love this hotel! We plan to return in the near future, this time splitting our stay between Sandos Playacar and their sister resort Caracol.
"Awesome vacation for whole family"
We spent Christmas week at Sandos with a group of 12 --ages 1 yr to 50, It was wonderful from the moment we arrived.. They treated us like royalty. Daniela Delgado went out of her way to help with restaurant reservations for 12, both before we arrived and once there. Work with her if ;you get the chance. There was so much to do at the resort we were never bored. The teens loved the crepe bar and we all enjoyed the cupcake cafe each day as a nice break from the beach. We borrowed the bikes on site and rode down to 5th avenue-a must do if you are there. You can also take a cab for $7 each way. We stayed in the rooms closest to the beach and everything was in walking distance. Our friends were on the far side rooms by the eco park and woke up every morning to feed the monkeys, it was amazing, even the 1 year old fed them out of her hand. Only saw a couple nite shows, Michael Jackson and Circus, both were excellent. If you remember MJ music from the 80's you will love it, the performer does an amazing job of dancing and portraying him. The Gaucho restarurant was by far the best, if you can get reservations, we also enjoyed the Mediterranean and Asian restaurants. The buffets were plentiful , but was quite a bit of the same, however you have so many other options, beach bagel bar and cupcake cafe and smoothies on the beach, our kids were happy. We ventured a couple times up to the family swimming pool for quiet afternoon swims with the 1 yr. old and it was great. Only complaint is the pillows were very hard, but the rooms were nice and clean each day. We did not spend a lot of time in them as it was so beautiful outside. Never had a hard time finding beach chairs, or places to sit by the pool. We did 2 excursions -one day at Xel Ha, if you go nowhere else you must go there, a day was not even long enough to enjoy it all, simply amazing. We also did Tulum & Cenote caves tour together-both interesting and short, we were back to our hotel by 2. We have been to Playa Del Carmen twice and Puerto Vallarta--by far we would return to Playa again and have no hestitation to stay at Sandos again.
"A great time!"
Just returned from a Christmas vacation to this resort. We loved everything about it! The staff was friendly, funny and helpful, (have to put in a good word for Ivy at the front desk, and Edwin at the swim up bar at the adults only pool!) It was clean and beautiful, and the food was truly wonderful, at both the buffets and the a la carte restaurants. It felt really "homey" there and we got comfortable very fast. There were unexpected nice little surprises like the resident iguanas, donkeys, monkeys and so on. The beach was beautiful, and having the lounge chairs sectioned (adults only, family, club members etc) was wonderful. It's also nice because there is only another resort on one side, so you can walk down the beach the other way for quite a way and it's a little wilder with more sea life to see if you like. We went for only 5 days - wish it had been 2 weeks!
"Great Christmas getaway"
We just returned from our Christmas gift. What a wonderful time that we had the staff and food where great never had a bad day except for rain every afternoon but the say it's been a weird December that's was ok. Pool and ocean where great. Room was very clean no problems. Great food quality. Looking already for our next trip there in June
We Stayed at Sandos from Dec 12 - Dec 19. This was my second time at Sandos but my girlfriend, aunt and uncle's first time. This was also my aunt and uncle's 30th wedding anniversary and first time traveling at a AI resort and they loved it so much that they're planning a return at Sandos next year. The staff at Sandos are fantastic..every one of them..and the resort itself is very clean well maintained..once again, I was not disapointed with Sandos as I was last year at another resort. The beach is the best in the area and there's always the very well maintained, clean pools if you need a break from the beach. We stayed in the Adults only section which was worth every penny. We stayed by the pool near our rooms one day and to our surprise, staff they prepared a awsome BBQ buffet pool side with something for everyone ( for meat lovers and vegetarians). They now have a pretty cool coffee shop that I was in often ( mostly to get a slice of cheesecake which is very good btw and a vanilla frapaccino) As for the rooms, very spacious, clean and up to date. Some might complain about the muk smell in the rooms but also must not forget that the resort buildings are made out of concrete, so what you smell is not a dirty room as they do a darn good job cleaning them, it's actually the concrete...go anywhere else in the caribean where buildings are made out of concrete, you'll get the same's actually not as bad as what others making it out to be. I love the spa's nice to have access to that after a lond day..AND IT'S FREE! All in all...I want to go back...tomorrow
Great place, lovely people there everyone was so nice! We would definitely return. Loved the monkeys early in the morning. Armando on the entertainment committee made my kids week. They loved him and Pedro!
"back for the fourth time !!))"
from 7 untill 23 December we stayed for the fourth time at Sandos Playacar . We like it there because its an ideal resort for families with small children ,Our girls really love to be with Erika and her team from the kids club , Also nice for us during this time to have a nice adults only dinner in our favorite Restaurant Le Gourmet which is perfectly managed by Luis Renan and his team!!) On the Beach there are plenty of beds and our beachwaiters David E and Vannessa mex made sure that we got more than enough to drink during the day!!)) Also great to meet again with other guests from allover the world who are coming back every year again. special thanks to director Juan ""arango"" Oliveira and Daniela from the weddingservice for making also this holiday very special. And we hope that the trees that you let our girls plant will grown into big healthy trees!!) This year we stayed in a Royal Elite 1 bedroom hacinda on the groundfloor and its perfect for families , with a small swimmingpool and jacuzzi on the terras. further we liked everything new !!)) the mini golf, the playhall but also the Royal Elite avenue bar where they make great cocktails and also have a small cinema !!) We had a great holiday and hope to be able to go next year again!!)) Greetings from Rene , Megi , Elise and Emma from The Netherlands.
"Awesome stay in PDC"
We stayed at Sandos from Dec 9-14. We chose the Adult Only section since we were traveling without our teenagers and were looking for a very peaceful and quiet vacation. Saw two young kids around the adult only pool one morning but figured it was just a family touring around since they weren't there after a short time. You'll read on here about the long walk to the beach from this section of the resort and it's not an exaggeration .... But we personally loved it. With all the extra food you're eating, a little walk never hurt anyone. There are shuttle locations all along in case you want to hitch a ride. We were ground floor with two queen beds overlooking the pool. Room was always very well cleaned and towel animals left for us daily. Beach was beautiful! Offered full beach service which we loved and weren't offered at our last all inclusive stay (Riu). Staff clean the beach constantly as well since you can take food to the loungers. Waves can be high and a bit rough - red flag was flying most of the time. Staff are friendly and ready to make your stay a lot of fun. We ventured to Akumal to swim with the sea turtles and snorkel, to Cenote Azul, and 5th Ave for some shopping. There is lots to do in PDC and I would definitely go back and would stay at this resort again.
  • 7 Días / 6 Noches En Alojamiento De Lujo
  • Ubicado En Una De Las Mejores Playas De México
  • Incluye Comidas Ilimitadas, Bebidas & Alcohol
  • Disfrute de Nuestras 4 Piscinas, 7 Restaurantes & 8 Bares

Price Is Per Room For Entire Stay - Not Per Person, Not Per Night

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